New York kitchen

New York kitchen – a contemporary classic

It is most accurately described by two words – timeless elegance. New York kitchen is a space that reconciles panache with moderation and design discipline. The style, which came to our homes straight from Manhattan – from the large spaces of the apartments of the Upper East Side, Fifth Avenue and SoHo, combines traditional values with modernity. The expansive interiors lit by sunshine pouring through large windows, are stately and harmonious, yet enriched with a pinch of casualness and nonchalance.  

A New York kitchen is based on a classical foundation – the space is designed with symmetry and a subdued colour palette in mind, featuring exquisite and broken colours, starting from various shades of grey, from mist and ash all the way to the anthracite and deep black, all the way to the tones of navy blue, as well as saturated browns. In a New York kitchen this sophisticated palette imposes a rather exquisite convention. All because of the fact that the style named after the most famous metropolis in the United States is a true big city style – it is something for those who live and breathe the city life, who are active and who live their lives to the fullest, and yet have their own say i terms of style and aesthetics. 

For those people, their New York kitchen will be a place where they can find a moment of respite from the hustle and bustle of the city, all the while keeping in touch with the wide world – their own comfortable refuge filled with subdued colours and harmonious shapes based on the classical style. 

New York kitchen – furniture with the quality mark

Collections created in line with this style are characterised by simplicity. Ornamentation in New York kitchen furniture is kept to a minimum, which does not mean that it is completely absent. Subtle cornices, custom-made handles, subtle and delicate inlays – all of these elements can be a part of the New York kitchen furniture, elevating its elegance to a higher level. The noble textures of the fronts – veneered or coated with matte varnish of the highest quality –  are the hallmark of the New York kitchen furniture, which allows you to identify it without a shadow of a doubt. The wood employed by these designs include only the most durable kinds, with remarkable grain and unique shades that only nature can create. It is imitated by the skilfully selected shades of varnished fronts with their sophisticated half-tones, taken from an exquisite subdued palette. 

The New York style furniture is crowned by natural stone – the most obvious element to complement the elegance of the interior. Your New York kitchen is a perfect place for dark-coloured kinds of stone. A glossy marble countertop will be a great counterbalance for matte cabinet and drawer fronts; matte granite, on the other hand, will go hand in hand with natural veneers of the furniture. 

Also worthy of note are handles – the key detail when it comes to the ornamentation of New York kitchen furniture. In addition to the decorative textures , they play the leading role in making the interior pop. Made of high-grade metals, these fine geometric handles take on the key role as a main element in a subdued interior.

The same role is played by glass display cabinets, which add a touch of glamour without the typical glitz, introducing a touch of big city chic to the interior.

New York-style kitchens

New York, as one of the cultural capitals of the West, has been setting trends for many decades – and the whole world is watching with excitement. These trends extend not only to design, but also to our lifestyle as a whole. With the touch of metropolitan elegance, New York style kitchens are a proposition for people who can appreciate sophisticated interior design. It is a perfect choice for people with an excellent understanding of the contemporary material culture of Western civilisation, as well as appreciation for modern art, valuable literature, film, and… exquisite cuisine.

New York style kitchen will provide aesthetic impressions at the highest level, but its second, no less important task is to meet all expectations in terms of ergonomics and functionality. The striking furniture is complemented by the most innovative solutions, selected from a wide range of modern furniture technologies – the kind that makes any activity in the kitchen a pleasure. Noiseless drawers and cabinets, hidden countertops that slide out with a light touch, discreetly built-in household appliances – all of these elements add comfort, which is a must-have in a New York-style kitchen.

Another indispensable element is proper lighting – precise and directional lights on the worktops, as well as decorative mood lighting. New York style kitchen is a space based on classical tenets, yet modern to the very core – the classics are translated into the communicative language of the 21st century. Its restrained elegance is perfectly complemented by lamps with simple geometric and even somewhat austere shapes, referring in form to loft aesthetics. Industrial accents, unusually strongly associated with New York’s DNA, are a welcome change to the dignified nature of the classic buildings, bringing a touch of nonchalance and metropolitan atmosphere to the interiors.